Preventing Dry Socket After Oral Surgery

Do you know someone who has experienced the pain of dry socket? Dry socket can happen following the extraction of a permanent tooth. Normally, a blood clot develops in the cavity where the tooth used to be, acting as a shield to protect the nerve endings and bone until they’re sufficiently healed. When a blood clot fails to form, or if it becomes dislodged too soon after your oral surgery, you may feel intense pain. The empty socket may become inflamed, and bits and pieces of food debris may lodge inside, worsening the condition.

If you’re experiencing a significant amount of pain following a recent oral surgery, your dentist in Valencia, CA, may diagnose dry socket. Usually, it takes a prescription-strength painkiller to bring relief. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent dry socket from developing, and they include preserving the protective blood clot until the socket has had time to heal. There are several things you can do immediately following your oral surgery.

1. Refrain From Using a Straw in Your Beverage

Using a drinking straw is one of the most common ways to induce dry socket. The force required to draw liquid up through the straw can also suck the blood clot away from the socket. To be safe, refrain from using a drinking straw for at least a week following your tooth extraction.

2. Get Plenty of Rest

You should plan a day of rest following your oral surgery, instead of returning immediately to work or school. Rest will help prevent any type of vigorous activity that might dislodge the blood clot. It’s also good to avoid participating in sports or exercising rigorously immediately afterward.

3. Eat Soft Foods

Foods such as pudding, yogurt, or soft noodles are good options following your procedure. Avoid chewing on the side of your mouth that’s affected, and avoid foods that are too hot or too cold for at least several days. Hard or crispy foods such as potato chips or chewy candy should be avoided.

Following your oral surgery in Valencia, CA, your dentist will give you a list of post-operative care instructions to help you avoid the pain of dry socket. However, if you’re experiencing any type of unusual pain in the few days following, contact Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers right away.

What Are The Risks of Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery in West Valley, Valencia and Palmdale, California is for patients who need to have certain oral health issues taken care of. Typically, oral surgery is used to remove wisdom teeth before they’ve erupted above the gum line, remove the bone for bone grafting, do dental implants, repair injury from accidents, and much more. Oral surgery is major surgery and it is just as serious as other kinds of surgery, carrying the same number of risks. However, by taking certain steps, the inherent risks associated with oral surgery can be mitigated.


Any time there is surgery, there is the risk of infection. Since oral surgery in West Valley, Valencia and Palmdale, California is performed in the doctors’ offices instead of in a hospital, some risks of infection are avoided. Your oral surgeon will do everything in their power to avoid the risk of infection, too, by maintaining the highest standards of hygiene. As a patient, you can help reduce this risk by ensuring that you eat right and exercise moderately in the weeks leading up to the surgery. The healthier you are, the less chance that infection has a chance to take hold.

Dry Socket

Oral surgery carries a specific type of risk called dry socket. This is a condition where an empty tooth socket takes a much longer time to heal because of loss or minimization of blood flow. This risk is often related to the patient’s habit of smoking or allowing food debris to sit in the pocket due to poor oral hygiene post-surgery. Dry socket is highly preventable. Talk to your oral surgeon about ways to prevent it.

Sinus Problems

The sinus cavity is located very close to where upper wisdom teeth come in. If you’re having wisdom teeth surgically removed, there is an inherent risk that you may develop sinus problems. Typically, the problem resolves itself after a short period of time. However, if you notice that your newly developed sinus problems persist, talk to your oral surgeon about possible treatment.

Oral surgery carries inherent risks no matter what you are having done, or who performs the surgery. Your oral surgeon will apprise you of all risks so that you are well-informed ahead of time.

Implant-Supported Fixed Bridge Surgery – Common FAQs

The modern patient who needs full smile restoration is likely to consider some type of dental implant. When considering dental implants in Palmdale, CA, you have several options to consider. An option that may come up is an implant-supported fixed bridge. During this restoration process, a few implants support the full arch of teeth instead of just having a single crown on a bunch of implants. Here is a look at some of the questions prospective patients often have about implant-supported fixed bridge surgery.

How many implants will you need?

The number of implants for full-bridge support can vary depending on the patient. However, most patients will need two to four implants on both the upper and lower jaw to support the full-bridge of teeth in the most stable way. In rarer cases, when a patient has an especially unique jawline shape, more implants may be required.

Will you need bone grafts to give the implants proper support?

Bone grafts may be necessary if you do not have substantial jawbone available to anchor the implants to. This occurs when someone has had missing teeth for a long time or has a medical condition that has contributed to bone loss. However, this procedure is relatively straightforward and is a reliable way to make sure the implants that are placed give you a good, long-term solution.

What is the recovery period like after surgery?

Recovery after implant placement can take a few months, but you should see a major difference in just a few short weeks. The full healing process, which involves the new implant fusing to the bone, can take a while, but you may get to have your bridge placed as soon as the soft tissue around your new implant heals. Every patient can have their own unique experience, so make sure to fully discuss recovery with the surgeon before the procedure.

Find Your Way to a Palmdale Oral Surgeon for Help

Obtaining an implant-supported fixed bridge can be one of the most straightforward ways to restore your smile fully. If you are interested in dental implant surgery, be sure to trust a skilled Palmdale oral surgeon for help. Reach out to us at Heritage Oral Surgery and Implant Centers to schedule your appointment.

Dental Implant Maintenance: How to Take Care of Your New Tooth

Dental implants require care, just like natural teeth. A well-maintained dental implant may last as long as 10 or 20 years. Without proper care, the dental implant may need to be replaced sooner. Knowing how to take care of your dental implant and what you can do to keep it looking and performing its best will help you avoid problems that could require your implant to be replaced. Here’s what you need to know.

Clean Your Implant Twice Daily

Dental implants need to be cleaned twice a day, just like your regular teeth. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to prevent your dental implant from getting scratched, and a low abrasive toothpaste as well. They make toothbrushes and toothpaste specifically for implants, which you may use. Follow your dentist’s advice!

Use Floss For Implants

Some dental floss companies make floss specifically designed for use with implants. You can use floss designed for implants, or you can just use unwaxed floss. Your dentist can show you how to floss around your implant if you have questions. Floss once per day when you floss your other teeth, or more often as needed.

Use an Oral Rinse Without Alcohol

If you use an oral rinse, read the label to find out whether your oral rinse contains alcohol. If it does, you’ll need to switch to a brand that doesn’t. If you’re not sure whether the oral rinse of your choice contains alcohol, then you should check with your dentist in Canoga Park, Valencia or Palmdale, CA to get a recommendation for the type of oral rinse that’s best.

Avoid Tooth Whitening

Your dental implant cannot be whitened, which means that if you whiten your teeth, your dental implant may stay the same color while your teeth get lighter. Avoid any tooth-whitening procedures to ensure that your teeth and implant will stay the same color. This includes at-home tooth whitening kits and dental whitening.

See the Dentist Regularly

Your dentist will be able to identify if something is going wrong with your dental implant in Valencia, Canoga Park or Palmdale, CA. Keep up with your regular dental appointments to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. Call today to make an appointment for teeth cleaning.


Anxious About Your Upcoming Oral Surgery? These Tips Can Help

Oral surgery is an experience that many people find stressful. If you have an upcoming oral surgery and you’re worried about the procedure, you’re not alone! There are many things that you can do to make the experience a little easier. Here’s what we recommend.

Use Relaxation Techniques

Use relaxation techniques to assuage your fears. Some effective techniques include:

  • Breathe deeply. Practice deep breathing in the days leading up to the surgery. Practicing this deep breathing before you go in to have the surgery will this habit second nature when the anxiety starts to increase in the hours before the surgery occurs.
  • Visualization. Visualize yourself in a relaxing setting, like the beach or a forest. When you’re visualizing yourself in this setting, think about the sights, smells, sounds, and feelings you would feel if you were actually in this place. Feel the muscles in your body relax as this happens.
  • Self-massage. Massage parts of your body that are tense, or just massage parts of your body that are easy to reach. Even just massaging your arms, legs, shoulders, and hands can put your body at ease.

Get the Story Straight with the Surgeon

Sometimes people fear oral surgery because they’ve heard stories from people who have exaggerated their experiences with oral surgery. This does you no good, especially because your experience with the oral surgeon is unlikely to be like the experiences of someone else. To find out what you can expect your experience to be like, talk to your oral surgeon.

Your oral surgeon can help you understand what preparations you need to make for your recovery, what you can expect to happen during the surgery, and how long the recovery will take. With all this knowledge, you’ll be ready!

Find an Oral Surgeon Who Gets It

It’s important to work with an oral surgeon who understands patient fears and who knows how to create a comforting and comfortable environment for procedures to take place. To get started with your upcoming oral surgery, talk to a professional from Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers.

Call today to make an appointment and learn how we can make your oral surgery a successful and low-stress experience.


What to Expect With Oral Surgery

If you are going to be having oral surgery soon, there are some things that you’ll need to know. Oral surgery is like other surgeries, in that it should be taken very seriously. And, just like many other kinds of surgeries, it will be done by a specialist. In most cases, you’ll be consulting with your oral surgeon directly in the days leading up to your surgery. You’ll have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have, but in the meantime, here is some information to get you started.

Preparing For Oral Surgery

Whether or not your oral surgery is performed as an in-patient or out-patient, you’ll want to have someone accompany you. This person will be there to support you, help navigate the process, and be there after the surgery. In the days leading up to surgery, avoid drinking, smoking, or eating in excess. Your surgeon may even ask you to fast for 12-24 hours before surgery. Include plenty of water in your day to avoid dehydration.

During Oral Surgery

If you are to be under general anesthesia, all you have to do is lie down and trust your doctors. You won’t feel anything until after you wake up. If you are to have local anesthesia, you’ll be given a sedative as well as numbing agents. You may be vaguely aware of what’s happening, but you won’t be fully alert.

Post Oral Surgery

When you first wake up, you’ll be very groggy and you may feel very heavy. You won’t feel any pain. However, as time goes on, you will start to feel pain, at which point you need to tell a nurse so you can get medication. After you’re stable enough to go home, you’ll be released to continue to recover at home. You’ll definitely need someone to drive you home afterward because the medication will make you groggy and unable to drive. You should also expect to have someone stay with you for two or three days at home to prepare meals and care for you.

Your oral surgery team will give you detailed after-care instructions so you know just what to do and what not to do. In time, you’ll fully recover and be glad to have received the oral surgery treatment that you needed.


How Long Is Recovery From Oral Surgery?

If your dentist or oral surgeon has recommended oral surgery, you’ll want to know how long the recovery time is. Bear in mind that oral surgery is can be major surgery. This is true if you are going under general anesthesia, such as the case of having all four wisdom teeth removed. You may also be having oral surgery for things like gum adjustments, gum grafts, dental implants and more. Make sure you understand how long recovery from oral surgery takes so that you can plan accordingly.

Prepare Your Body Ahead of Time

As soon as you learn that you’ll need oral surgery, you can actually start minimizing your recovery period by preparing your body. This means that when you undergo oral surgery you should make sure you’re as healthy as possible going in. Some things you can do include:

  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid junk foods
  • Avoid sugary treats
  • Fill up on vegetables
  • Reduce caffeine intake
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Enjoy moderate exercise if able

If you are a person with addictive habits, you know that it can take a long time to form new habits like exercising, not smoking, etc. Just remind yourself that preparing for oral surgery is temporary. You can tackle the bigger problem of kicking addictions later on. This temporary break from bad habits is just to get your body in a healthier state prior to surgery. Doing so will greatly reduce your recovery time.

After Effects of Oral Surgery

The after-effects of oral surgery are what lead to your needed recovery period. In the 24 hours following oral surgery, you may experience nausea and/or vomiting. This is a side effect from the anesthesia, and it will work its way out of your system quickly. You’ll also be very groggy and weak coming out of surgery. Have a family member or friend with you who can drive you home and care for you at home.

Discomfort and Light Bleeding

You’ll have discomfort from the stitches and may have light bleeding. You’ll also have swelling, which will subside. All this will take about 10 days to fully subside.

You won’t be able to return to work for at least 10 days following oral surgery, so plan to take off two weeks to be sure you have enough time to recuperate.


Micro-Incisional Dento-Alveolar Surgery: Common FAQs

Dental surgery is a serious surgical treatment, and many patients do require some level of dental surgery every year for a range of conditions. If you are working with a qualified dental group like the Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers, MIDAS surgery may be a possibility for your treatment.

What exactly is MIDAS?

Micro-Incisional Dento-Alveolar Surgery (MIDAS) is a form of surgical treatment that involves making microscopic incisions to perform oral surgery, which allows for procedures to be done in the most minimally invasive way possible. The dentist uses special tools and equipment to perform the surgery, and not all dentists offer MIDAS services. During MIDAS, the surgeon takes great care to reduce how much bone is affected, which can be beneficial for all the mouth’s structures.

What are the advantages of MIDAS for dental procedures?

The primary advantage of MIDAS for dental procedures is the fact that the surgery can be done without creating large incisions in the soft tissues in the mouth. For patients who are prone to infection, this form of surgery can be incredibly advantageous because healing times are reduced. Pain and inflammation after surgery are less prevalent and suturing incisions with stitches is not often required because the incisions are so small. MIDAS dental surgery can be good for children, people with disabilities, and the elderly in particular, but the advantages can be reaped by just about any patient.

What procedures can MIDAS be used in?

MIDAS surgery can be used to perform a range of dental surgical procedures, including root repositioning, bone work, and potentially extractions of embedded or unerupted teeth. Some dentists use MIDAS during temporomandibular surgery and other treatments involving the bones in the jaws. MIDAS techniques are commonly used during cosmetic dental surgery procedures as well.

Learn More About Micro-Incisional Dento-Alveolar Surgery in Valencia, CA

MIDAS surgery can be a good option for many patients, and dental insurance may cover some of the costs. As it is with any type of surgical treatment, it is important to get familiar with it before the procedure. For more information about MIDAS, reach out to us at Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers in Valencia, CA to schedule an appointment.


3 Signs You are a Good Candidate for Dental Implant Surgery

Perhaps you have lost some or all of your natural teeth, and you are considering dental implants to restore your smile. Even though dental implants are a good fit for most individuals, some people would fare better with other tooth replacement options. Here are a few good signs you are a good candidate.

Your gums are in good health.

Good gum health is imperative during dental implant surgery. Once your new implants are placed, the gum tissue needs to close around the base of the new tooth. If you have periodontal disease or other gum health issues, this process may not happen properly. In some cases, gum grafts are taken to encourage new growth around the base of the implants, but even this requires healthy tissue to start with.

You are vigilant about good oral hygiene practices.

Do you feel like your day is never right if you forget to brush your teeth in the morning? Do you floss every day? How often do you get your teeth professionally cleaned at the dentist? If you are vigilant about all of these things, you are probably going to be a good candidate for dental implant surgery. Even though the implants are made out of synthetic materials, the health of your mouth overall is what helps them stay securely in place. For example, if your lack of attention to brushing leads to gum disease, your new teeth could be at risk.

You are not a smoker.

Some cosmetic dentists will not perform dental implants on patients who are smokers, and it is for good reason. Smoking raises the temperature in your mouth considerably, according to Science Direct. The elevated temperature can make your mouth more prone to infections, which can actually prevent newly placed implants from healing. In general, smoking is bad for your oral health and should be avoided if you plan to obtain implants.

Talk to Us If You Believe You Are a Good Candidate for Dental Implants

Dental implants can change your life, and finding out you are a candidate is a big relief. If you believe you would be a good candidate for dental implants, reach out to us at Heritage Oral Surgery for an appointment.

What is the Recovery Period Like After Oral Surgery?

Dental implants and other dental procedures that require oral surgery require some recovery time. Oral surgery is like any other type of surgery. For example, you will probably be given some form of anesthesia. There are many other conditions that exist or can develop after oral surgery, which will affect your recovery period.


You may experience nausea or vomiting during the recovery period. This is often a side effect of the anesthesia. Your doctor can recommend some anti-nausea remedies to alleviate these feelings.

Trouble Eating and Drinking

Your mouth, teeth and/or gums will be sensitive following oral surgery. It’s helpful to stock up on some recommended food and drink items so they’re ready when you come home after oral surgery. Ask your doctor for a list of items that will be suitable depending on your procedure. In addition, certain foods and drinks will be prohibited immediately following your oral surgery, so be sure to stay away from those particular items.


If you’ve had certain procedures, such as a wisdom tooth extraction, you may experience some residual bleeding from the site. Typically, applying pressure with sterile gauze for a period of time will stem the bleeding. Try not to swallow any of the blood, since that can exacerbate stomach upset. Excess bleeding or bleeding that doesn’t respond to pressure and gauze should be reported to your doctor.


Oral surgery is traumatic to the tissues in and around your mouth. As such, you may experience swelling in the area. Swelling is caused when white blood cells race to the “scene” to initiate healing. In fact, a little swelling is a sign that your body is reacting normally. Swelling may look and feel uncomfortable, but it will typically go down on its own within about 24 hours after oral surgery.

Plan on resting at home after oral surgery. You won’t feel like going back to work for two or three days at least. Follow your doctor’s instructions and let their office know if you’re experiencing anything that feels unusual or worrying. After you’ve recovered from oral surgery, you can look forward to improved oral health for many years to come!