Do I Need Wisdom Teeth Removal? How Can I Tell?

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow. By the time wisdom teeth cut through the gums, there isn’t always room for them to grow. When wisdom teeth grow without proper space, this can lead to problems with tooth crowding, headaches, tooth pain, cavities, and more.

Your oral surgeon in Valencia, West Valley, and Palmdale, CA can tell you whether you need wisdom teeth removal. At Heritage Oral Surgery and Implant Centers, we provide wisdom teeth removal to people who need it. We’re your source for safe and efficient wisdom teeth removal to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you think that you may need wisdom tooth removal, here’s what you need to know.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to come in. They are the third set of molars at the back of the mouth. Many people don’t have enough space in their jaw for these molars to come in, so these teeth can sometimes grow crooked, or fail to erupt fully from the gums.

Crowded teeth are harder to maintain because there isn’t enough space to properly floss or brush them. This can make them more vulnerable to cavities and tooth decay. In addition, teeth that don’t properly erupt from the gums can also be more susceptible to tooth decay.

Who Needs Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?

You may need your wisdom teeth removed if:

  • Your teeth are starting to crowd together because your wisdom teeth are pushing them out of line.
  • You’ve been experiencing headaches because of your wisdom teeth.
  • Your gums are painful, or you feel pain in your wisdom teeth.
  • Your wisdom teeth or other teeth around your wisdom teeth are starting to decay.

If I Think I Need Wisdom Teeth Removal, What Should I Do?

If you think you need wisdom teeth removal, talk to your dentist about wisdom teeth removal in Valencia, West Valley, and Palmdale, CA. Call Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers to make your appointment today.

How Can I Tell If My Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

For many people, there isn’t room for wisdom teeth. When they erupt, wisdom teeth can cause pain, crowding, and other problems. If your wisdom teeth need to be removed, your dental professional in Palmdale, Valencia and the West Valley can help.

The professionals at Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers can tell you if you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. If removal is necessary, the dentists at Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers can also perform your dental extraction. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Crowded Teeth

Wisdom teeth have a way of pushing other teeth out of the way. When this happens, your teeth can get crowded and crooked. Crowded teeth are bad for your smile and can be hard to maintain.

When teeth start to crowd together, flossing becomes more challenging. Dental decay becomes a problem. If you’ve noticed that your teeth used to be straight and now they’re not, this could be a sign that your wisdom teeth need to be removed.

2. Dental Problems Around Your Wisdom Teeth

When a wisdom tooth is partially trapped in the gums, dentists say the tooth is impacted. An impacted tooth can be hard to clean and may start to decay. These dental problems can lead to painful cavities and infection. If you’re noticing dental problems like pain around your wisdom tooth, this is very likely a sign that your wisdom teeth require removal.

3. Bad Breath that Doesn’t Go Away When You Brush Your Teeth

Some dental problems, like cavities and decay, can lead to bad breath. If your teeth are healthy, brushing your teeth should get rid of your bad breath. If your bad breath persists even after you brush, you may have a cavity or an infection. If this coincides with the partial eruption of your wisdom tooth, then your wisdom tooth could be the root cause.

To learn more about wisdom teeth removal in Palmdale, Valencia, and the West Valley, contact Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers to make an appointment.

5 Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Pulled

Many people need to have their wisdom teeth out when they reach a certain age, often in the late teen years. It’s important to pull the wisdom teeth if they’re in danger of becoming impacted, infected or otherwise damaged.

If your wisdom teeth have recently emerged, it’s important to know if they need to be removed, when they can stay in, and what are the signs that removal should occur. Your dentist in Valencia, Palmdale and West Valley CA can help you decide if your wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Here’s what you need to know.

Who Needs Their Wisdom Teeth Pulled? Who Doesn’t?

Generally speaking, your wisdom teeth can stay in your mouth if they’re in the right position, are healthy, do not disrupt your bite, are fully erupted, and are able to be thoroughly cleaned through your normal oral hygiene routine. Your dentist may recommend pulling your wisdom teeth if:

  • Your wisdom teeth are only partially emerged
  • They are completely hidden beneath your gums
  • They’ve emerged but are crowding adjacent teeth

Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Pulled

You may not be able to tell if your wisdom teeth have emerged or not, but you are very likely to notice the signs if your teeth need to be pulled. Below are some of the tell-tale indications that your wisdom teeth are making a problem:

  1. Inflamed gums around the wisdom teeth. You may notice that the gums in the back of the mouth look or feel inflamed.
  2. Pain in the back of the mouth. Biting down may cause pain in the back of the mouth, or you may feel it at times when you’re not chewing.
  3. Cysts form. Cysts are fluid filled sacks that could form around the wisdom tooth, creating pain.
  4. Gums bleed when you brush your teeth. You may notice that the gums in the back of your mouth bleed when you brush your teeth – this could be a sign of problems with your wisdom teeth, or a sign of gingivitis.
  5. Crooked, overcrowded teeth. Once your wisdom teeth start to come in, the teeth in your mouth may become overcrowded and crooked as a result.

Do you need your wisdom teeth removed in Valencia, Palmdale and West Valley, CA? Call Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers today to make an appointment.

The Six Different Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Do you ever wonder if your wisdom teeth really need to be removed? This is a common question that most people think the answer to is yes. But that’s not always the case. Wisdom tooth removal will be different for everyone and only your dentist in Mukilteo, WA can tell you what’s recommended for you. But let’s talk about impacted wisdom teeth for a moment.

What Is an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

An impacted wisdom tooth happens when your wisdom teeth grow at an angle or if there isn’t enough room for them in your mouth. It’s not always obvious when your wisdom teeth need to be removed because sometimes, they are asymptomatic. Only your dentist in Mukilteo, WA can examine your wisdom teeth and let you know if they need to come out.

The Six Different Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Here are the six different types of impacted wisdom teeth in Mukilteo, WA. Your dentist will examine your teeth and let you know which one applies to you.

1. Mesial Impaction

A mesial impaction is the most common type of impacted wisdom tooth. This is when your wisdom tooth has grown or is growing at an angle toward the front of your mouth.

2. Vertical Impaction

A vertical impaction is when your teeth grow in straight, but you don’t have enough room in your mouth to fit all your teeth.

3. Horizontal Impaction

A horizontal impaction happens when your teeth are horizontally impacted and lying on their side.

4. Distal Impaction

A distal impaction is when your wisdom teeth are tilted toward the back of your mouth.

5. Soft Tissue Impaction

A soft tissue impaction happens when your wisdom tooth erupts through the gum.

6. Bony Impaction

A bony impaction happens when your wisdom tooth stays in the bone and has broken through your gum.

The Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Unless your wisdom teeth are asymptomatic, these are some of the signs of impaction.

  • Swelling of the gums.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • It’s hard to open your mouth.
  • Bad breath.
  • Jaw pain.
  • A bad taste in your mouth.

If you have any of these symptoms, your wisdom teeth probably need to be removed.

What’s Next?

If you need a dentist in Mukilteo, WA, please Contact Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers today. We offer a warm, inviting, comfortable office to provide you with the best dental experience possible in a truly state-of-the-art facility.

What to Expect Before, During, and After Getting a Wisdom Tooth Removed

Are you having problems with your wisdom teeth? If you are experiencing mouth pain or any other dental issues, you might need a dentist in Canoga Park, CA to look at your teeth and give you a diagnosis. If the problems you are having are due to your wisdom teeth, your dentist might recommend removing them. So let’s talk about what is involved before, during, and after wisdom tooth removal surgery.

What Happens Before a Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure?

You will talk with an oral surgeon who will go over the process with you. Your oral surgeon will also ask you about your medical history and any health problems you might have. They will also need to know what medications you are currently taking. The oral surgeon will then talk to you about the type of anesthesia they recommend for you.

What Happens During Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

Wisdom tooth surgery in Canoga, CA takes approximately 45 minutes or so. You will be given one of three types of anesthesia.

  • Local – a shot of Novocain in your mouth to numb the area. You might also be given nitrous oxide to relax you.
  • IV Sedation – you will be given a shot of Novocain and you will also receive a sedation drug through a vein in your arm to make you drowsy. Some people might even fall asleep.
  • General – you will either receive a sedation drug through a vein in your arm or your doctor might have you breathe gas through a mask. Either way, you will remain asleep throughout the entire procedure.

There are some instances where the doctor must cut your gums or some bone just to get your wisdom tooth out. If this occurs, you might have stitches where the incision was.

What Happens After Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

Anesthesia affects everyone differently. If you received a local anesthetic, you will probably feel fine and be able to drive yourself home and resume normal activities. Most people don’t experience much, if any, pain after surgery. However, the area where the wisdom tooth was removed will usually be swollen and a bit uncomfortable for a few days. And it might take your mouth a few weeks to completely heal.

You can use an ice pack on your jaw to help reduce the swelling. You should also eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids until your mouth heals. Talk with your dentist about any other guidelines they want you to follow. And always contact your dentist immediately if you have a fever, experience any pain, or if the swelling doesn’t improve.

If you need a dentist in Canoga Park, CA, please Contact Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers today.

Do Wisdom Teeth Extractions Change Your Facial Shape?

The wisdom teeth are the last molars to form in the jaw. Unfortunately, most people do not have enough room for these large teeth, so they have to seek wisdom teeth removal in Valencia, CA. Even though the procedure is routine and common, patients often have a few concerns about the procedure. Specifically, they want to know if removing wisdom teeth will cause a change in their facial shape. Below is a closer look at all you need to know.

So, Will Wisdom Tooth Surgery Affect Facial Shape?

In short, no, at least not for the long term. Even though removing large teeth can sometimes come along with slight changes to the shape of your face, the same does not usually apply to wisdom teeth. These molars grow in an area of the mouth referred to as the dental alveolus. This area is not directly attached to the basal jawbone. Therefore, when the teeth are removed, there is really no change to the shape of your jaws.

What to Expect Immediately After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Even though having your wisdom teeth removed should not cause long-term changes in your facial shape, you may see changes right after surgery. There are pockets of soft tissue, like muscle and fat, that surround the wisdom teeth. Therefore, when the teeth are removed, this can cause a bit of trauma to those tissues. This often leads to some swelling right after your surgery. Therefore, it is common for your face to be somewhat swollen right after having the teeth removed. However, as the days go by and your body heals, the swelling subsides and everything goes back to normal.

Removing Wisdom Teeth May Actually Protect Your Bite

One thing that is important to remember when having your wisdom teeth removed is doing so can actually protect the shape and appearance of your existing smile. If there is no room for these teeth, they push the rest of your teeth as they grow. This can lead to changes in your smile over time.

Talk to a Valencia Dentist About Your Wisdom Teeth

With the help of a skilled Valencia, CA dentist, you can rest assured your wisdom teeth removal procedure will go smoothly. Reach out to us at Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers to schedule your appointment today.

4 Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed

Do you get regular headaches, experience difficulty eating, and often notice pain and irritation in the back of your mouth? If so, you may be experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth.

Knowing the types of issues that you’re likely to experience due to wisdom teeth can help you decide if your wisdom teeth are likely giving you trouble. If you are experiencing difficulty with your wisdom teeth, then it may be time to see your oral surgeon.

1. Pain

Pain and irritation is a problem that people experience when their wisdom teeth are protruding, however, pain alone is not an indication that your wisdom teeth need to be removed. If you experience pain relating to your wisdom teeth, talk to your oral surgeon.

2. Difficulty Eating

It’s common for people with protruding wisdom teeth to experience difficulty eating. Often, this happens because food becomes caught between the gums and the tops of the teeth. People may also experience difficulty eating if their wisdom teeth negatively affects the alignment of their teeth, causing them to become crooked.

3. Cyst

Sometimes, cysts can form around the wisdom teeth. Cysts can cause a variety of problems. Cysts can destroy the bones and nerves in the surrounding area. When this happens, the wisdom teeth will most likely need to be removed.

4. Teeth are Shifting

If your teeth are slowly becoming crooked, this could be because of the emergence of your wisdom teeth. Shifting teeth can cause a variety of problems. If your wisdom teeth are pushing some of your other teeth out of alignment, then they may need to be removed. Your oral surgeon can tell you whether this procedure could help you.

Ready to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Contact Your Oral Surgeon Today

You don’t have to live with the discomfort of having wisdom teeth. At Heritage Oral Surgery, we help patients suffering from problems with their wisdom teeth and other types of urgent dental problems. To find out more about how you can have your wisdom teeth safely removed, contact us for an initial appointment.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Have you ever wondered why so many people get their wisdom teeth removed? If your dentist or oral surgeon has recommended that your wisdom teeth are removed, here’s what you need to know about wisdom teeth removal, including what wisdom teeth are, and what recovery looks like.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are actually just your back molars, behind your regular molars. Because wisdom teeth are the last molars to come in, they are called wisdom teeth. Typically, wisdom teeth come in just before the age of 21 or thereabouts.

The Problem With Wisdom Teeth

The human jaw has developed over time and it’s no longer as big as it was in our ancestors. Some experts hypothesize that when brains became larger, jaws became smaller. So when a person starts to develop wisdom teeth, there may not be room in the jaw for them. Wisdom teeth can alter the alignment of the rest of the teeth, causing problems later on. In addition, wisdom teeth themselves may not come in correctly. Wisdom teeth may come in nearly perfect, come in crooked, come in sideways or shift and move over time. Since you don’t really even need wisdom teeth, it’s often best to have them removed so that there is no chance for them to cause dental problems later on.

How Wisdom Teeth Are Removed

If you are having orthodontics treatment, and your wisdom teeth haven’t yet come in, your dentist may recommend that an oral surgeon remove your wisdom teeth from below the gum line. This is to protect your teeth from damage when the wisdom teeth eventually make an appearance. In a case like this, oral surgery is required to remove the wisdom teeth.

If you already have your wisdom teeth, your dentist may suggest that they be extracted to make more room for the rest of your teeth. In a case like this, an oral surgeon may do the extraction or a dentist may do it.

Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Removal

The length of time it takes to recover from wisdom teeth removal depends upon if it was oral surgery or just a standard tooth extraction. It will take longer to recover from oral surgery.

The removal of wisdom teeth is considered safe and effective. For more information about the process of removing wisdom teeth through oral surgery, please contact us today.

wisdom tooth removal

Debunking Myths About Wisdom Teeth and Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

The final molars to show up in the jawline, the wisdom teeth are named such because they usually show up later in life when childhood is over. While many people do have to get their wisdom teeth removed at some point in life, no other molars bring about as much confusion.

Myth: Everyone must have their wisdom teeth removed.

Not everyone will have to get their wisdom teeth removed. Some people don’t even grow these third molars at all, and some people have enough space for the teeth to grow without there ever being an issue.

Myth: You should not be removing any of your natural teeth, including wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth do not need to be removed unless they are posing issues. A lot of debate exists as to whether or not these molars should come out early in life before they pose issues. However, a good dentist can look at the molars before they even erupt and determine if they could impact the other teeth as they grow.

Myth: Wisdom teeth removal surgery requires weeks of recovery time.

Most people recover from wisdom teeth removal in about a week. You may have to take it easy for a few days, eat softer foods, and be careful when you chew. However, the mouth tends to heal relatively fast. You may have a bit of tenderness and some repeat visits to the surgeon for a checkup, but you can usually resume your normal activities soon after the surgery.

Myth: You will have ongoing pain after your wisdom teeth are removed.

You can have some pain and tenderness at the extraction site for several days after surgery. However, you should be fine with over-the-counter pain medications for the week following your surgery, and shouldn’t need much of anything by the two-week point.

Talk Over Your Concerns About Wisdom Teeth Removal with the Oral Surgeon

The more familiar you are with the facts about wisdom teeth, the more comfortable you will feel if you find out yours have to be removed. Reach out to us at Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Center in Palmdale, Valencia, and Canoga Park, CA to schedule an appointment.


What to Expect After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common dental surgeries dentists perform. After all, millions of Americans get their wisdom teeth removed every year, according to the Academy of General Dentistry. So, if your dentist recommends you get your wisdom teeth removed, don’t panic. Many other people just like you have had them removed.

But you’re probably wondering just how long the recovery will take, and what you’ll experience in the hours, days, and weeks following their removal?

How Long Will It Take to Recover from Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

The recovery process after getting your “teeth pulled” varies for everyone, but in general, you can likely expect your recovery time to happen within two weeks, with gradual improvement every day. The wisdom teeth removal surgery healing process can be broken down into stages as follows.

  • The first day: Blood clots form
  • Two to three days: You find that your swelling has decreased.
  • One week: If you have remaining stitches, your dentist can remove them now.
  • One week to ten days: Jaw soreness should dissipate
  • Two weeks: Mild bruising should heal

If a blood clot becomes dislodged, your healing and recovery could be longer. Therefore, it’s essential to not “play” with these blood clots to accidentally remove them.

Tips to Help With Healing from Wisdom Teeth Removal

To assist your recovery and healing from having your teeth pulled, practice all post-wisdom teeth instruction tips provided by your dentist, which may include the following:

  • Refraining from sucking through straws for at least 24 hours after your surgery to prevent dislodging a blood clot.
  • Using an ice pack on the outside of the extraction site to help with swelling and bruising
  • Avoiding drinking hot beverages and eating hot foods for three or four days.
  • Eating soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, jello, soft noodles, mashed bananas and soups. while avoiding foods that require chewing,
  • Avoiding eating any foods that are sticky or chewy.
  • Refraining from brushing your teeth residing near your extraction sites.
  • Rinsing with an antiseptic mouth rinse if and when your dentist advises.
  • Rinsing with warm salt water as needed and as directed by your dentist.

Remember, everyone heals differently from a tooth extraction, so always follow the instructions given by your dental professional. You can find important do’s and don’ts following wisdom removal surgery on our website here.

Potential Complications from Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Complications after wisdom teeth removal are rare. However, if you experience fever, pain, yellow or white pus around the wound, you may have developed an infection. If you develop intense throbbing, it may be indicative of a dry socket whereby your newly formed blood clots were lost or formed improperly. If you experience any of the above symptoms, call your dentist right away.

If you have any questions about wisdom teeth removal at Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers, give us a call at one of our offices: Valencia 661-253-3500, West Valley (818) 703-8200, or Palmdale (661) 538-1400.