Cracked tooth, splitted. Medically accurate 3D illustration

Why Is My Cracked Tooth a Problem?  

If you have a cracked tooth, your dentist may or may not recommend treatment. Some cracks can become a problem, while others may exist for years without creating issues.

If your dentist recommends treatment for your cracked tooth, whether that’s with a crown, bonding or tooth extraction in Valencia, West Valley and Palmdale CA, you may be wondering why (especially if you’re not in pain!) Here we explore the reasons why a cracked tooth can be an issue and what your dentist may choose to do about it.

What caused my cracked tooth?

There are many factors that can contribute to a cracked tooth, including:

  • Chewing hard candy, corn kernels, ice
  • Age (older teeth tend to crack more easily than younger teeth)
  • Previous dental procedures (root canals can weaken the tooth, leading to cracks)
  • Grinding your teeth due to stress or unconsciously at night

What are the symptoms of a cracked tooth?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if your tooth is fractured because the symptoms can seem similar to other symptoms. Some signs to watch for include:

  • Pain that comes and goes, especially when biting down
  • Sensitivity to extreme temperatures
  • Sensitivity to sweet things

If you’re noticing any of these signs, talk to your dental professional.

If I’m not experiencing pain and other symptoms, why is my cracked tooth a problem?

Even if you’re not experiencing pain and other symptoms, a cracked tooth can be a problem because a crack can allow an infection into the tender pulp of the tooth. When this happens, infection can cause pain and other problems.

Some people are especially vulnerable to infections, like people who are immunocompromised. If you have a crack in your tooth, it’s important for your dentist to know about it so they can decide on the next steps.

Do you have a cracked tooth? Talk to your dentist.

A cracked tooth can turn into a serious problem leading to a tooth extraction or an infection. If you believe you have a cracked tooth, talk to your dental provider in Valencia, West Valley and Palmdale CA. At Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers, we can help you address the problems that may come from a cracked tooth. Contact us today at one of our three locations.


How to Qualify as a Candidate For Dental Implants

If you have one or more teeth missing, you may be wondering if you would be a good candidate for dental implants in Palmdale, CA. Becoming more popular with people who have suffered from low self-esteem and various problems related to their dental issues, today’s dental implants use the latest technology and look like real teeth. To qualify as an excellent candidate for this procedure, here are some things your dentist will look for during your consultation.

Gums and Teeth in Good Health

While you may have one or more teeth missing, your dentist will examine you to make sure your gums and remaining teeth are still healthy. This is crucial, since having a healthy jawbone will be necessary to support the implants once they are in place. Otherwise, they could become loose later on.

Don’t be a Smoker

While being a smoker won’t automatically disqualify you from being a candidate for dental implants, it won’t help your chances. Since smoking can impede the healing process once dental implants are installed, your dentist may be concerned about the increased risk you may face for developing an infection or other problems.

Excellent Oral Hygiene Routine

To really impress your Palmdale, CA dentist and put yourself high on the list of being a good candidate for dental implants, demonstrate that you already have an excellent oral hygiene routine. By brushing at least twice per day, flossing once daily, and perhaps taking a swig of mouthwash each day as well, your dentist will know the risk of infection is very low, and that you will likely follow their instructions after your procedure.

Realistic Expectations

Finally, your dentist will talk with you in-depth to find out if you have realistic expectations about dental implants in Palmdale, CA. Since the entire process can take as much as 12 months for all the implants to be installed and healed, you’ll need to not only demonstrate realistic expectations, but also the level of patience that will be required along the way.

If you feel you meet this criteria and are interested in obtaining dental implants, don’t wait any longer. Since it’s time for your regular dental checkup, make an appointment with your dentist in Palmdale, CA to find out if dental implants are a viable option.

Why Would I Need a Bone Graft at the Dentist?

A bone graft may not seem like a procedure you might receive at the dentist, but it may actually be needed for a variety of reasons. While your teeth aren’t made from bone, your jaw certainly is. Considering this support is what holds the teeth and keeps them strong enough to keep chewing, bone grafts can be exactly what you need to improve your oral health. If you’re considering one, it helps to know not just why you would need one, but what it is and what to expect.

What Is a Dental Bone Graft?

A dental bone graft is a procedure for the jaw to replace lost bone or to add support to existing bone. While bone is usually taken from a different part of your body to make the graft, there are synthetic versions available. The preferred standard will be from either your hip, shin, or the back of the jaw, as it’s generally considered the safest option. A dentist will first make a cut in the jaw and then attach the extra material to the jaw. Pain management can usually be accomplished with ice and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Why Would I Need One?

Tooth loss, gum disease, or dental implants can all affect the amount of bone you have in your jaw. Receding gums can begin to erode the jaw, causing it to weaken under constant pressure from chewing. Or if you need screws attached for the artificial roots of a missing tooth, your jaw will need to be strong enough to handle the pressure. If you use your own bone, it usually encourages the support in your jaw to both accept the new material and heal faster. There are different types of bone grafts available, and your dentist can tell you more about the right one for you.

To a certain extent, bone loss is unavoidable as we age. Some people might need a graft even after taking care of their teeth as well as one could be expected to care for them. The right dentist can make up for this though by adding enough support to reduce pain and keep your jaw healthy and strong.


5 Keys to Keeping Your Natural Teeth For a Lifetime  

As a child, your parents probably told you how to take care of your teeth. They may have helped you brush your teeth for the first time and taught you how to floss. You may have even had instruction at school, in kindergarten. Yet every year, millions of people lose their teeth to decay or some other reason. What’s the secret to keeping your natural teeth for a lifetime? Your Valencia dentist has the answers for you.

1. Getting Rid of Plaque

Brushing and flossing at home aren’t enough to ensure that you keep your natural teeth for a lifetime. Plaque buildup can happen to anyone. And the thing is, you can develop plaque in between teeth, where brushing and flossing can’t reach. Plaque is a substance where bacteria thrive. Once you have bacteria thriving in your mouth, you can be sure to have decay and other trouble.

2. Regular Teeth Cleanings

Your dental hygienist is one key to keeping your natural teeth for a lifetime. Dental hygienists go to school for a long time to learn how to thoroughly and effectively rid teeth of plaque. So if you really want to keep your natural teeth for as long as you live, you’ll make sure you get professional teeth cleanings at least once every six months, or more frequently if necessary.

3. Get Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are kind of protective cover for your teeth. They offer a barrier or resistance to bacteria that can damage your teeth and lead to teeth loss. Talk to your dentist in Valencia to find out if dental sealants are something that you should consider.

4. Avoid Sugar

It’s well-known by now that sugar is a food for bacteria. Mouth bacteria feed on bacteria and use it to thrive under certain conditions. If you are really committed to keeping your natural teeth, then avoid sugar in all its forms.

5. Eat a Varied Diet

Your teeth and gums require vitamins and nutrients to remain healthy. You can ensure that your teeth and gums—as well as your entire body—get what is needed by eating a varied diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and protein.

Your dentist in Valencia is key to keeping your natural teeth for a lifetime. For more tips, please contact us today!

Tips for Preventing a TMJ Flare-up

The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the skull. This connection occurs just beneath the ears on either side of the head. Each of these complex joints moves back and forth, up and down, and from side to side. The nearly constant use of this joint makes it is easy to see why temporomandibular disorders (TMD) develop. Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) is one of these disorders.

What is TMJ?

This syndrome causes an individual to experience an array of bothersome symptoms, including pain. Knowing what triggers a TMJ flare up and then avoiding those triggers can help an individual prevent flare-ups of the temporomandibular joint.

The Importance of Attaining the Proper Diagnosis

Sometimes, temporomandibular disorders are difficult to diagnose because the symptoms a patient experiences mimic those associated with other conditions. To ensure a patient receives the most relevant treatment, attaining the proper diagnosis is essential. The experienced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons at Heritage Oral Surgery and Implant Centers can quickly recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate a patient has a temporomandibular disorder.

Symptoms of a TMD can include:

  • Intense headaches – characteristics of these headaches include a piercing pain, throbbing or a constant ache.
  • Pain in the jaw with or without temporomandibular joint pain – this pain can range from mild to severe, be continuous or just come and go.
  • Ear pain – can range from a dull ache to an intense, searing pain.
  • Jaw popping or clicking – these symptoms typically occur while chewing, talking or opening the mouth.
  • Tinnitus – ringing in the ears.
  • Lockjaw – this problem occurs when the temporomandibular joints become misaligned. The individual is unable to open his or her mouth until the joints are properly realigned.
  • Visible inflammation – seen in the temporomandibular joint that is affected.

A flare-up can occur without warning, however, seeking care from an experienced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, and using the tips below can reduce the duration and intensity of a flare-up, or prevent them altogether.

6 Tips for Preventing a TMJ Flare Up

  1. Reduce Stress Levels

Stress can lead to the grinding or clenching of teeth. This additional pressure strains the facial muscles and the temporomandibular joints, causing irritation. Meditation and yoga are great ways to reduce stress.

  1. Stop Eating Foods that Are Chewy, Gummy or Hard

Eating hard, chewy or gummy candy as well as bagels, whole apples and nuts can cause a flare-up.

  1. Quit Overworking the Neck Muscles

The muscles responsible for controlling breathing, talking, biting, chewing and head posture work in conjunction with the muscles in the neck. If the neck muscles are tired and strained, other muscles must be used, which leads to an imbalance. This imbalance triggers the pain associated with TMJ.

  1. Avoid Becoming Dehydrated

Dehydration decreases the effectiveness of the body’s natural joint lubrication, which aggravates the joint and can lead to a TMJ flare-up. Avoiding caffeine, drinking plenty of water and eating foods with a high-water content (e.g., cucumbers, cantaloupe, tomatoes, etc.,) can help an individual remain well hydrated.

  1. Eat Well and Take a Daily Vitamin

If an individual’s Vitamin D level is deficient, he or she may experience muscle pain in the jaw.

  1. Use a Firm Pillow and Sleep on Your Back

By sleeping on the back with a pillow that offers an adequate amount of support for your head and neck, there is no pressure being placed on the jaw.

If you are experiencing pain in your jaw, or would like to learn more about the treatments for TMD, contact one of the Heritage Oral Surgery and Implant Centers below to schedule an appointment.

The Heritage Oral Surgery and Implant Centers are in:

  • Valencia – Tel: 661-253-3500, 27450 Tourney Road, Suite 160.
  • West Valley/Canoga Park – Tel: 818-703-8200, 22142 Sherman Way, Suite 201.
  • Palmdale – Tel: 661-538-1400, 843 Auto Center Drive, Suite B.


How Diet Affects Oral Health

While children are at risk for developing cavities, adults are too, especially as they age. When considering the results of a recent study published in the Journal of Aging Research and Clinical Practice, the importance of proper nutrition is evident. According to this study, severe tooth loss in the elderly serves as a key indicator of a compromised diet.

Dietary Factors Directly Affect Oral Health

Research has established that an individual’s dietary choices directly relate to the development of cavities and erosion of the tooth enamel, which is the protective coating over each tooth. Once the enamel is compromised, bacteria and plaque can build up, resulting in cavities.

Foods Offering the Highest Level of Nutrition

Obviously, Fresh Fruits and Veggies

Besides offering vitamins and minerals, these foods also contain water and fiber. The water and fiber help balance the natural sugars that these foods contain.

Eating raw fruits and veggies that are crunchy increases saliva production. This increase in saliva benefits the teeth because it helps wash away any food particles or acids that remain in the mouth. Left in the mouth too long, these acids and particles can harm the teeth.

Berries and Citrus Fruits

These fruits are full of vitamin C and calcium, however, they also contain natural sugar and citrus fruit is acidic, so limited consumption is recommended. Furthermore, after eating any type of acidic food, rinsing your mouth is essential. This acid can wreak havoc on the enamel of your teeth.

Dark leafy greens (e.g., kale, spinach, etc.) are rich in calcium and vitamin C, both of which help fight periodontal disease. In addition, these vegetables have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Shiitake mushrooms are considered a superfood because they contain an antibacterial compound (lentinan) that has the ability to prevent bacterial growth. In addition, these mushrooms help prevent plaque buildup on the teeth.


Choose wholesome snacks that are sugar-free. Sticky treats (e.g., fruit snacks and caramels, etc.) attach to the grooves of your teeth, providing the bacteria with plenty of food. It is recommended that all sweets be consumed at the same time as a meal because the excess saliva that is created while eating will help to dilute and then wash the sugars away.

Sugar remains as one of the main reasons for dental issues, here is why:

Bacteria in your mouth eat the sugar and then release an acid that damages the teeth. Once decay begins, if the cavity remains untreated, it will continue to develop and eventually result in a painful toothache.

Dairy and Protein

Dairy products contain casein, which helps neutralize the acids that the bacteria in the mouth produce. These products include yogurt and cheese.

Eating lean proteins rich in phosphorous strengthens the teeth. These proteins include eggs, meat, poultry, milk and fish. Other forms of fiber, minerals and protein include beans, seeds and nuts.

Cleaning Your Teeth When Brushing is Delayed

If the ability to brush is delayed, chewing sugar-free gum or fibrous vegetables can help clean your teeth.

Strong, healthy teeth can prevent tooth loss and reduce the likelihood of developing painful conditions like temporomandibular jaw (TMJ) syndrome. At Heritage Oral Surgery & Implant Centers, we replace missing teeth and treat TMJ. To learn more, contact one of our centers.